Introducing Our Learn Math With Me - The Academy is so excited to announce our latest tool to help prepare students for the math section of the ACT...Learn Math With Me - The Academy. This is a subscription-based program that will give students access to all our ACT math prep materials. This includes all the courses, videos, worksheets, and tools in a single, well-ordered location. As part of The Academy, we provide a members-only resource library with a suggested Roadmap for using all of our material to prepare for the ACT. You will also find other tools, such as our ACT Goals Worksheet, to help in this journey.

We think that you will like our program for many reasons, but we'll name just a few here:

  • Work at your convenience - This is an online program, so the material is available for you when it fits your schedule.

  • Review material as many times as you need - You can rewatch the material whenever you need to, maybe to grasp a concept a little better after you have thought about it for a while. You have access to all the material as long as your subscription remains active.
  • Work at your own pace - If you fully understand a question, move on. You can work problems with or without watching the videos. When you need a little extra guidance, we have you covered by working the questions on video.
  • Ask questions and get extra tips - Through a private Facebook Group, you will be able to interact with us at Learn Math With Me as well as others within The Academy as you prepare for this test.
  • It's an Awesome price for everything you get! - Well, students may not be that excited about this, but parents really will! We offer this program for a fraction of the cost of what an in-person, single session would cost. We still provide guidance in our program and personalized help through our resources and Facebook Group. It really is a good deal!

There are many other benefits to our program and online learning that we will explore in the near future. But, until then, if you'd like more information on The Academy, visit here.

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